Prostatitis and alcohol consumption. A hCG emelkedett cystitis esetén

Brief interventions for heavy use of alcohol ebm Rationale It is often possible to influence the patient's drinking by guidance and advice.

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Brief intervention is a tool for health care personnel. Epidemiology Excessive use of alcohol for men is more than 24 drinks and for women more than 16 drinks per week. In practice, this means 7—8 bottles of beer every day or four bottles of vodka per week. The majority prostatitis and alcohol consumption heavy drinkers are employed.

The risk of alcohol-induced problems is high in heavy drinkers.

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Recognition of heavy drinking See article on recognition of alcohol and drug abuse Lásd: ebm Heavy drinking is recognized by combining the patient history with the clinical picture and laboratory tests. Multiple choice questionnaires may also be used.

Moderate alcohol consumption is often a more realistic goal than abstinence. However, abstinence is recommended during the first few weeks.

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Mini-intervention includes 3—4 sessions at intervals of 2—4 weeks. In addition to spoken and written instructions, the outcome of laboratory tests and general physical inspection are a valuable means of influencing the patient. During the sessions the following subjects may be discussed: How does the patient feel about his or her drinking? Analysis of the situation amount of alcohol consumed weekly, impact on health, alcohol-related problems at home and at work, development of tolerance.

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Results of the laboratory tests liver enzymes, MCV, other if necessary. Emphasize that the changes are reversible. The patient's consumption of alcohol compared with average consumption. The risks of alcohol obesity, hypertension, liver diseases, headache, hangover, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, accidents. Benefits of reduced alcohol consumption tolerance and risk of dependence decrease, safety aspects, economic benefit.

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Written information risks of heavy drinking, how to estimate one's own drinking, limits of safe drinking, how to reduce drinking. Guidelines and limits: guidelines can be regarded as a prescription. Set clear limits with the patient: a limit of daily use and a limit of days per week and month when alcohol is consumed. The patient must not drink on consecutive days. Further sessions at about two week intervals a drinking diary if necessary, new laboratory tests.

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Tell the patient that drinking will be discussed again at the next meeting. Emphasize the patient's personal responsibility and encourage him with optimism.

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Who benefits from brief intervention? Heavy drinkers and those approaching the limits of heavy drinking who do not yet have severe problems caused by alcohol abuse. They may not yet have noticed their excessive use of alcohol, or looked for prostatitis and alcohol consumption to reduce their drinking.

A prosztatagyulladás eltűnt a reggeli erekcióból Acute prostatitis is generally caused by bacteria. Acute prostatitis is accompanied by a strong presence of symptoms, so the affected man feels clear signs of the disease. These include severe pain when urinating, fever, chills, and general body weakness. If acute prostate inflammation is not treated in time or is not successfully treated it can turn into chronic prostatitis. A prosztatagyulladás prosztatitisz a prosztatamirigy fájdalmas duzzanata.

The patients are identified by family doctors, in outpatient clinics and at health check-ups when the doctor pays attention to symptoms or laboratory test results that indicate alcohol abuse, and when heavy drinking is recognized as a possible cause of symptoms.

Carefully consider whether it is useful to start talking about alcohol abuse when the patient has come for some other reason than alcohol abuse. The motivation of the patient may be insufficient.

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It is better to offer a new appointment time. When testing a driver's blood for alcohol, inform the individual where to find professional help. Interventions for drunken drivers have been shown to be moderately kevés vizelet. A heavy drinker with clear dependence seldom benefits from mini-intervention.

If they cannot reduce alcohol consumption during, for example, three months' intervention, they should be forwarded to a unit specializing in alcohol-related diseases.

  • Erős prosztataellenes El diagnóstico de la prostatitis se hará en base a la historia clínica, exploración, cultivo fraccionado de orina, cultivo de semen, ecografía, estudio analítico en sangre PSA elevado en la prostatitis aguda y biopsia prostática en algunos casos de prostatitis crónica.
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Irodalom [1]University of York. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. Brief interventions and alcohol use. In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 4, Physician-based interventions with problem drinkers. Oxford: Update Software [5]Poikolainen K. Effectiveness of brief interventions to reduce alcohol intake in primary health care populations. In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, ISBN: Effectiv Health Car.

Oxford: Update Software.

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